FullOn Bassline Clone

Being asked how to copy a specific Eskimo Bassline I did the a little attempt to one-to-one clone that sound. I tried to get as close as possible by using as few plugins as possible. Therefore it doesn’t sound as perfect as the original but it sounds differently good and demonstrates that the major part of the sound is the tweaking, not the millions of magic plugins in the chain.

Since the response was very positive I upgraded the tutorial with the most typical bassline patterns used in psychedelic trance. Be aware that for the other patterns another bassline sound and kick should be used to reach a better sound.

I cloned it with three different synths. You hear: Original – Trilogy – Original – Cronx2 – Original – Scorpion – Original – Cronox with other bassline patterns.
Cronox and Trilogy Basslines have been processed with Quadrafuzz and then Voxengo Curve EQ. Scorpion has been processed first with Curve EQ then Quadrafuzz. The midi file and fxp presets are in the folder for use in other sequencers like logic or sonar.

Another example. I don’t know where the original is from.

mp3 export of the file 1MB Clone – original – clone
Cubase project file V2 for deep analysis 1.3 MB

You will need: Voxengo Curve EQ, URS 1970 Compressor and Linplug Cronox 2.
FXP presets for Cronox and CurveEq are in the folder too, Comp is not so important.

Please note!
: I do not actualy recommend CurveEQ for basic BassProcessing. Its a good tool to surgicaly achieve a specific sound. Here it was the target to achieve the impossible 1:1 copy of a specific bassline sound. For a perfect sound I would use a less analytic EQ like Voxengo Gliss EQ, URS A Series or any UAD Stuff.
